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Unit coolers and condensers

Friga-Bohn unit coolers
ECO unit coolers
ECO condensers
Friga-Bohn condensers
We offer heat exchangers produced by Dutch company Alfa-Laval Helpman, Italian - ECO. Our offer includes, among others, standard unit coolers and brine coolers, air condensers, and dry coolers designed for commercial use as well as for industry.

Depending on design and application, heat exchangers are available in following versions:
  • cabinet,
  • cubic,
  • ceiling,
  • with an increased air flow,
  • with an increased exchange surface,
  • with an increased static pressure,
  • for working in system with an internal heat exchanger,
  • for low and high temperatures.

Foregoing appliances are available in several versions: working in severe environmental conditions, for various fan speed and power supply, with an increased power of defrost heaters and with hot-gas defrost systems.

Moreover, we offer plate heat exchangers, shell and tube heat exchangers, thermal liquid treatment, of most producers present on Polish market.

We encourage to consult our products catalog of freon and glycol heat exchangers.