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Fabryka Fabryka STREAM Agregaty scroll Automatyka chłodnicza Copeland and ALCO belong to the “Emerson Climate Technologies” group which consists of over a dozen of Emerson corporation companies. They offer, among other things: components and services in the field of refrigeration, air conditioning and heating. On world capital markets, Emerson company is recognized as a solid, financially strong firm, employing about 120 thousand workers all over the world. The sales of the Emerson group exceed 15 billion USD.

The leading Copeland brand fulfills a promotional role in consideration of Emerson Climate Technologies group. Therefore, the Copeland logo will always be put next to it. The concern will still strengthen the brands of:
  • Copeland Scroll
  • DWM Copeland
  • Alco

Copeland Scroll Copeland Scroll delivers scroll compressors which have been evolving for many years. At present, this series of compressors can be employed in air conditioning applications (ZR), medium temperature applications (ZB, ZS), and low temperature applications (ZF) as well as in heat pumps (ZH). Actually, Copeland offers scroll compressors adapted to work with most popular refrigerants.

DWM Copeland and Prescold mean whole assortment of semi-hermetic compressors. Being produced for tens of years, they earned the opinion of reliable and highest quality units. The continuous research and improvement led to the invention of the Discus type valve plate in last few years. This solution allows the compressors of this line to reach high performance coefficients (C.O.P. – described as relation of performance and the power input) of all other similar appliances.

Alco – a reputable supplier of a wide range of traditional controls like: expansion valves, filter driers, electromagnetic valves, oil line components, electronic controllers, pressure switches etc. During the recent years, ALCO bet on the development of solutions which use electronic expansion valves, as well as the monitoring and control systems which supervise the refrigerating systems. These facts confirm the statement that ALCO is still one of the leaders of modern control of refrigeration systems.

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